Fiction Plane - Everything Will Never Be OK

keepers - 2
keeper avg .167
The Sting's spawn's second album is a bit surprising out of the gate. "Listen My Babe" completely eschews the whole Police / U2 cloud that enveloped the whole debut album. It's kind of a mess musically, but at least it's different. Of course by the follow-up title track, it's business as usual; sounds like a single alright, but - yawn. And then "Cigarette" would sound right at home on Outlandos de Amour. Fortunately it's not all so derivative. I can't easily tell the reference points for "Everybody Lies"****; it's a little punky, a little 80's, it's tuneful, and complex enough to be interesting. "Hate"**** is a straightforward rant against the generic, cynical indifference that seems to be the natural default for all us post-boomers. Don't believe me? Just read anything on the internet. I'm so cynical I think the sentiment is cute, though it must have struck a chord - good job Sting Jr. And "Fallow" is some nice acoustic folk. As far as subject matter, the songs are still anti-war, run-ins with women, young man philosophizing. Okay, and dad and U2 still weigh heavily on the rest of the album, but that may just be a case of knowing too much what to look for.
