5 keepers
keeper avg .416
Previously I described the debut album "Crazy For You" (2010) in terms of 60's girl-groups, Beach Boys, reverb, and Scottish band Camera Obscura. While Bethany Cosentino hasn't changed her songwriting approach much on Best Coast's third album "California Nights", a minute into "Feeling OK"**** she unleashes arena-ready harmonies and crunchy guitars that would never have appeared on "Crazy For You;" they're closer to a cross between Veruca Salt and The Outfield than the twee indie of Camera Obscura. But most of the songs still have the familiar 60's pop structure, including "Jealousy"****, "Sleep Won't Ever Come"****, and the sublime "In My Eyes"*****.
The float-y title track**** is one of only two that breaks from this template, and is more like Cocteau Twins or Ride than anything else, while the closing track "Wasted Time" is from the subdued side of Pet Sounds. But whether you call it sameness or consistency, the majority of the tracks aren't that varied from each other. The debut album wasn't much different in that regard, though for some reason it was much better if you ask the critics. I don't see that much has changed between the two albums, aside from the use of more saturated guitar sounds; Cosentino's writing seems a bit more refined if anything, with better phrasing and more focused choruses.