The Ravonettes - Lust, Lust, Lust

1 keeper
keeper avg .071

With minimal instrumentation and effects, but buckets of reverb, it's the sound of the house band at the Twin Peaks Roadhouse. Bassist Sharin Foo exhales dreamy melodies while Sune Rose Wagner provides the chordal texture and echo-drenched single-string first-year guitar leads on his clean Jazzmaster. As on Raven in the Grave (2011, the only other Ravonettes album I've heard), it's the sound rather than the content that is noteworthy.

This, the third album, seems to cover even less musical ground, rarely venturing from a tired I IV V progression or a repetition (or occasional shuffling) of cowboy chords E G C D. The catchiest is the 60's girl-group "You Want the Candy"**** (which as if to prove my point is followed by its near-clone "Blitzed"). Out of all the tracks only the chilling hipster trip-hop "Aly, Walk with Me" (which opens the album) and the Motown-y "Honey, I Never Had You" (the closing bonus track) don't follow one of those two patterns. I shit you not. The admittedly striking sound of this album may have duped all the critics (including the sheep at Pitchfork), but that's just f-ing lazy.
