The Halo Benders - God Don't Make No Junk

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The K Records alum Calvin Johnson and Dave Martsch collaboration begins post-Beat Happening but two albums into the Built To Spill discography, or the same year as the last indie label BTS album. Sometimes it works best when it doesn't get too fancy, such as on the album opener "Snowfall"****, peaceful despite the fact that Johnson's booming baritone threatens to overpower Martsch's wistful melodies and subtle, crystalline background leads.

On the other hand Johnson's goofy delivery and hilarious wordplay are perfect for "Don't Touch My Bikini"****, its intentionally comical intent driven home with "boinging" Hanna Barberra sound effects. "Scarin" and "I Can't Believe It's True" sit charmingly in Twee-land as modest Beat Happening -like ditties. 

"Will Work for Food" and "On a Tip" don't play so nicely, as the lo-fi production can't do justice to Martsch's ambitious but unrefined guitar doodling. Johnson's and Martsch's wildly differing talents and vocal timbres compliment each other best on the driving, straightforward "Big Rock Candy Mountain" and "Freedom Ride"****, the latter effectively capturing the Nuggets-era garage rock vibe (there's a Nuggets-era staple I can hear in my head but can't identify).
