4 keepers
keeper avg .363
Criticizing a quintessential Chicago blues album of well-known standards isn't a task I'm qualified for but one aspect of these recordings does jump out at me, specifically the lead style of guitarist Mike Bloomfield. The bright thwack of a amplified Tele is unmistakable but I've never heard attack that sounds like every 16th note is being picked individually with no hammer-on or pull-off assistance. The effect is intense but flows the best on slower songs such as "Our Love Is Drifting"**** and "Last Night"**** both of which alternate staccato solos with gracefully sliding chords. Few are the tracks where this unique axe-work is overshadowed, one being the energetic cover of "Mystery Train"**** with Sam Lay setting a frantic pace on the ride cymbal. Their turn backing Muddy Waters on "I Got My Mojo Working"**** is the other obvious stand-out.