Flipper - Album – Generic Flipper

6 keepers
keeper avg .666
Despite being an ugly mess of sludgy guitars, sledgehammer drums, and atonal screaming Flipper bombastically makes its point with humor and profound questions. In "Ever"**** the narrator (bassist Bruce Loose) vents his hate and frustration but is doomed to realize he is one and the same with source (Ever wish the human race didn't exist Then realize you're one too). Bassist Will Shatter mourns everyday tragedy in "Way Of The World"**** (There are eyes that cannot see And fingers that cannot touch), and immediately counters by affirming "Life is the only thing worth living for" in "Life"****. Shatter's "Shed No Tears"**** may be making a more complex point by including death, life, and escape in the same circle. Sometimes the point is less important, as in "Living For The Depression"**** Loose hilariously asks "who cares anyway? who listens to what I say? This song rhymes and we play it in time".  Stripper theme / punk anthem / jazz freak-out "Sex Bomb"**** ends the album with party music for the mosh pit / pogo crowd.
