Wolf Parade - Expo 86

keepers 1
keeper avg .091
Before starting this I found that I had also reviewed "At Mount Zoomer". Unsurprisingly, many of the same touchstones are audible on Expo 86. The Strokes ("Cave O Sapien"), Television ("Little Golden Age"), and Squeeze ("Two Men In New Tuxedos"), and Genesis (guitar lines throughout) are all here, and some influences may be worn too much on their sleeves. The end of opening track "Cloud Shadow On The Mountain" could be Sonic Youth, the distinctive drum pattern of "Palm Road" is right from Arcade Fire "Power Out", and without the cute keyboards "What Did My Lover Say" could be Queens Of The Stone Age. But the worst resemblance is the one between "Pobody's Nerfect" and Kings of Leon, based on a bombastic fist-pumping intro, a slow, watered-down U2 part, and disco-beat verses. Now the most obvious influence is The Cars, whose algular keyboard lines pop up in nearly every song. My favorite is the highly melodic "Oh You, Old Thing"****, sounding like heavy, focused, garage-y The Cars. "In The Direction Of The Moon" is also interesting, a cross between late Zeppelin and early Cure.
