The Cure - The Head On The Door

keepers 4
keeper avg .400
The Cure's sixth release begins with alternative classic, the joyfully galloping "In Between Days"****, followed by the orientally spooky "Kyoto Song" and "The Blood". However corny the two make a fitting contrast. "Six Different Ways" and "Screw" are both rhythmically interesting but too angular to be catchy. The album contains another alternative classic, "Close To Me" (too restrained and cartooney for me) and the dance-y "Baby Screams". At best, this album fits right in with the familiar "classic era" Cure sound, as "Push"**** may have set the template for "Just Like Heaven", and the dark, forceful "A Night Like This"**** would sound at home on Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me as well, as would the lush album closer, "Sinking"**** on Disintegration. 
