Belle and Sebastian - Write About Love

keepers 3
keeper avg .273
The twee express continues with "I Didn't See It Coming"*****, a subtly building shuffle featuring Sarah Matin's lovely vocal, quiet harmonies by Murdoch, and nicely chiming guitar lines. At over 5 minutes maybe they should have dropped one of the two long bridges, but its coda is satisfying enough to be worth the wait. "The Ghost Of Rockschool"**** also has the slow, folky approach of the early albums, just more so, and "I Want The World To Stop" is dance-y, keyboard-y background music, maybe like Sea And Cake (it's used often as bumper music on Chicago Tonight, on the local PBS station). The band does rock out some, such as on "Come On Sister", which has some good scratchy guitar, on Steve Jackson's chirpy "I'm Not Living In The Real World", which is so twee it squeaks, and the disappointing title song, a mishmash of random chords and misguided melodies. Of the ballads, the best is the sleepy "Calculating Bimbo", which Murdoch true to form throws in as a final fuck you (you calculating bimbo), while "Little Lou, Ugly Jack, Prophet John" is generic slow soul, starring Norah Jones appropriately enough. Sarah Jones is featured again on the Latin-flavored "I Can See Your Future"****, the last strong moment on the album. 2 songs for Jones, both winners.
