keepers - 3
keeper avg .231
The second LP takes some time to get going as "LT Tour Theme" and "Shred A" play it cool, and "Fake French" plays like 70's funk. It's good they're keeping the approach pretty modest, but too bad one of the main hooks sounds way off key. "FYR"**** and "On Guard"**** suffer from not a hint of the previous 3 songs' modesty; no, they blast out in jubilant rage, especially Hanna's completely unreserved delivery. They manage to be militant and fun at the same time, while "Much Finer"**** is a humorous take on the writer's lethargy. Unfortunately the next few songs seem too specific to offer much, to anyone who isn't in on the joke or part their scene. The last 3 songs are much better; "Cry For Everything Bad That's Ever Happened" is a pretty enough interlude, and "Keep On Livin'" rocks out enough to rescue the album side, but the term 'sophomore slump' probably wouldn't exist if it didn't happen a lot.
keepers - 3
keeper avg .231
The second LP takes some time to get going as "LT Tour Theme" and "Shred A" play it cool, and "Fake French" plays like 70's funk. It's good they're keeping the approach pretty modest, but too bad one of the main hooks sounds way off key. "FYR"**** and "On Guard"**** suffer from not a hint of the previous 3 songs' modesty; no, they blast out in jubilant rage, especially Hanna's completely unreserved delivery. They manage to be militant and fun at the same time, while "Much Finer"**** is a humorous take on the writer's lethargy. Unfortunately the next few songs seem too specific to offer much, to anyone who isn't in on the joke or part their scene. The last 3 songs are much better; "Cry For Everything Bad That's Ever Happened" is a pretty enough interlude, and "Keep On Livin'" rocks out enough to rescue the album side, but the term 'sophomore slump' probably wouldn't exist if it didn't happen a lot.