The Soft Pack - The Soft Pack

keeper avg-.600
In short there is not a bad track on here, just a handful that kick a little less ass than the rest. The earnest plead of (aw)-"C'mon"**** summons the "army, navy, air force, and marines" while "Answer To Yourself"**** warns:
"You gotta write down what you know
You gotta make sure that it's known
Because they're coming along to see what you've done
And they're gonna claim it for their own"
in a strike against complacency. The clear production and melodic writing rise against your average new-garage. Lamkin and McLaughlin's guitars combine Ramones, Dead Kennedys, and Duane Eddy, while Lamkin delivers vocals, including the sour-grapes "I'm down on loving, and I see that loving all around" in "Down On Loving"****, un-cynically. "Mexico"****, which hides near the end of the album and makes me think of Roy Orbison for some reason, makes the biggest musical statement with both the dreamiest and ugliest slide guitar I've heard in a while. Maybe coincidentally, each album side-ending track - "Pull Out"**** and album closer "Parasites"**** - veers toward the more Stooges / riff-based approach, which creates a perfect soundtrack for zoning out or hopping around the room.
