keeper avg .222
If listening to Pink Floyd has given you an appetite for more extended guitar solos and indifferent vocals, this is the disc for you. "There's No Way Out Of Here"**** is a well-executed cover, but a full half of the album is instrumental, most consisting of just two chords and a lot of guitar wanking. "Raise My Rent" has a nice Pink Floyd floatiness, and "I Can't Breathe Anymore" resolves nicely with the full band similar to "Hey You", but there is nothing here that hasn't been done on every overplayed Pink Floyd radio staple. The non-instrumentals double down on this defect. "Cry From The Street" features a generic blues riff, and the coda is basically a recycled version of the end of "Dogs" from Pink Floyd's Animals from the previous year, while "It's Deafinitely" sounds like a recycled version of "One Of These Days". The only other bright spot is the somewhat misnamed "Short And Sweet"**** (at 5:31). Though mirroring the vocal exactly on guitar make the song a bit one-dimensional, the full, ringing chords are an effective hook that would be utilized again in the PF classic "Run Like Hell".
keeper avg .222
If listening to Pink Floyd has given you an appetite for more extended guitar solos and indifferent vocals, this is the disc for you. "There's No Way Out Of Here"**** is a well-executed cover, but a full half of the album is instrumental, most consisting of just two chords and a lot of guitar wanking. "Raise My Rent" has a nice Pink Floyd floatiness, and "I Can't Breathe Anymore" resolves nicely with the full band similar to "Hey You", but there is nothing here that hasn't been done on every overplayed Pink Floyd radio staple. The non-instrumentals double down on this defect. "Cry From The Street" features a generic blues riff, and the coda is basically a recycled version of the end of "Dogs" from Pink Floyd's Animals from the previous year, while "It's Deafinitely" sounds like a recycled version of "One Of These Days". The only other bright spot is the somewhat misnamed "Short And Sweet"**** (at 5:31). Though mirroring the vocal exactly on guitar make the song a bit one-dimensional, the full, ringing chords are an effective hook that would be utilized again in the PF classic "Run Like Hell".