Pink Floyd - A Saucerful Of Secrets

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A worthy successor to Piper At The Gates Of Dawn, Saucerful also explores a range between experimental sound collages and jokey psychedelia. "Let There Be More Light"**** begins with a spacey introduction like "Interstellar Overdrive" that sets up a structured song of restrained verses giving way to explosive, almost anthemic choruses. In "Remember A Day" busy verses set up contemplative, melancholy piano interludes. "Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun" and the title song**** also explore a spacey aesthetic. While Waters' Set The Controls" successfully evokes a sensation of floating in space, it's also monotonous, while Saucerful is mostly a series of noises until giving way to a beautifully bombastic pipe organ theme at 8:30. The rest of the album is more concise, from Waters' hilarious "Corporal Clegg"**** and Wright's summer dreamy "See Saw" to Barrett's expectedly disjointed "Jugband Blues".
