Ron Wood - Gimme Some Neck

The jazzy gospel of "Worry No More" would make a better send-off than opener, and doesn't have much to do with the sound of the rest of the album, but at least the exuberant indifference is endearing. The cover of Dylan's "Seven Days" that anchors the middle of the album probably clued me into the idea that the sound of most of the album is songs written by Mick Jagger sung by Bob Dylan. Superficially it may sound 'super', but the opposite probably makes more sense. A frantic riff starts "Buried Alive" promisingly enough and it holds together well as a song; "You should have been buried alive cause you're far too pretty to die" might have sounded hilarious at some bender, but it comes off more morbidly than it was probably meant. "Infekshun" is also a solidly listenable rocker, but it's dregs from here on out. Since "Come To Realize" is what the Stones would come to sound like in the late-80's, "We All Get Old" is like the punch line to a stale joke. After a few clunkers, "Don't Worry" is a good solid if slip-shod rocker to end the record. It's good to hear this little sonic artifact, but it suggests that the writing should be left to the professionals, even ones on the down-slide. 
