The Gutter Twins - Saturnalia

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Not much different than a Dulli solo outing, Saturnalia replaces the gothic atmosphere with pure grunge, as in "The Stations". "God's Childern"**** is more quintessential Dulli, a throwback to Congregation in the verses with one of his later anthemic choruses. Lanegan's "Idle Hands"**** plays up to both gents' affinity for the drone with shrieking intro and tough "Whole Lotta Love"-inspired verse riff. Also Mark's singing on "Seven Stories Underground" is a welcome change from his typical gravely Tom Waits impression. Where the two pull off the riff rock, the slower tracks have few Greg's 70's funk touches but plenty great swashes of wailing strings as in "All Misery/Flowers" and the bombastic "Circle The Fringes". Though "The Body" and the unimaginative, dance-y "Each To Each" have Greg's nod to hip-hop beats, the keyboards in the bluesy "Bete Noir" and "I Was In Love With You" (similar to "Crazy" from 1965) add more interesting touches to the otherwise oppressively heavy production. The acoustic opening of closer "Front Street" is pleasantly understated but builds layer on dramatic layer to one of Greg's big finishes, the product of too many or just one overzealous cook.
