"Potential Energy"**** lives up to its name, a scrappy punk Human League with a couple bluesy breakdowns out of left field. "Schweppes"**** is perfect movie soundtrack music, sadly missed by some indie that should have marketed it to hipsters everywhere; the simple piano and bass figures provide perfect foundations for some impressive brass parts. "What Do You Want To Do"**** humorously explores boredom and indecision, riding a tongue-in-cheeck tropicalia type thing. The spacey hip-hop of "Floccinaucinihilipilification"**** -yikes- almost hides fantastically silly lines such as "I shuffled up to Shuffleplay and joined him just like Doubleday" - nice. While "Revel In Disrepair" and "Get Spent" are clever diversions (see the quote of 'Inspector Gadget' in the latter), the strange combination of surf tempo and a cavernous church organ "Go Anywhere Refrigerator" and cop drama funk of "Glitch Disco" are just a couple more cool flavors that work well. "Midnight Jones" has a cool run-down carnival feel, and though that concept should not have carried through to instruments being out of tune, the potential was there.