For the arty favorite of critics everywhere, "Paperhouse" sounds very close to San Fran psychedelia, but overall favoring a pinched, nasal sound. "Mushroom" is based around some blurb about a 'mushroomhead', "Oh Yeah" has the driving beat of kraut-rock topped with a 60's guitar jam, while "Halleluwah" is almost funky. Unfortunately for those of us with finite attention spans, it takes 15 minutes to build to anything interesting, which approximates the time frame for the rest of the album. While the noise experimentation of "Aungn" resembles Nick Mason's portion of Ummagumma, "Peking O" at least has the virtue of being truly bizarre, with Damo Suzuki running from a chant to an attack of tourette's and the sound of a drum machine being tortured. "Bring Me coffee Or Tea" is driven by a hypnotic guitar line, which follows seemingly random changes, over a rhythm section that The Doors would resemble if they were as experimental as they thought they were.