The opening title song is stark and ugly, with a frightening vocal performance, and sets the stage for a tough ride. "Long Snake Moan" and "Meet Ze Monsta"**** are pounding mechanical rock owing to Nine Inch Nails, again carried by the vocal performances. Darkly folky "C'Mon Billy" is the first actual song to drop the brutal rock weaponry, but similar "Send His Love To Me"**** is the most memorable. The slow but tense "Teclo" and noisy, heavily produced "Down By The Water" (with creepy "little fish big fish swimming in the water... give me my daughter" chant), and a couple more muddy, mumbled tracks round out this uneasy trip, and the bluesy closing "The Dancer" does not help it go down any easier, but sigh-punctuated vocal is anything but lazy, continuing to push back into the dark.