Going back further in my journey through the past, I find an album that has some memorable songs, but is not as consistent as ambitious The Mandarin. Evocatively named "Automaton Rock"**** is a fantastic start, with a stuttering riff meant for head-banging. "Mighty Mini Men"**** (I'm seeing a trend here) drives along nicely, and has good multiple vocals, though the delay guitar effect doesn't mesh well with the rest of the song. The album does have a serious lull in the middle, broken up by "Capgun"**** a complex, thundering juggernaut, with elements from early Foo Fighters (before they sucked), Hey Mercedes/Braid, blended perfectly with another great stop-start riff that has left me with chronic neck problems. But "High Five For Sonic Force" tries to get all busy but doesn't gel at all, neither the loud or soft part of "The Apple Barn" go anywhere, and "Carry" is merely inoffensive. "Water Grenade" at least takes a chance and embraces the noise, though following that the chorus is a ho-hum let-down. Not to go down quietly, the triumphant "Destructo Ray"**** fittingly concluded with a psychedelic breakdown that made for many a delightfully noisy show ending.