While the opening tracks are pleasant and catchy, especially "Strange Powers", the middle of the album is where all the pieces come together, specifically "Swinging London"****, where the carnival atmosphere of the verses becomes dreamy in the solidly pretty chorus "You and I swinging London". "In My Secret Place"**** has an odd antecedent in the hits of Level 42, and though very short is inventive. "The Trouble I've Been Looking For"**** is driven by a siren-like keyboard that dive-bombs into the subconscious. "Torn Green Velvet Eyes"**** might be lost in the shuffle without a clever electronic drum hook, which builds from a speedy fill to a ridiculous buzz. While "Sad Little Moon" is orchestral, the general sound for the rest derives from 80's pop, though on "In My Car" these touches merely cover for desolation. The sheer presence and genius of the synth/organ hook in the chorus "Take Ecstasy With Me" obliterates the corresponding vocal part, which fortunately disguises for awhile how shabby the vocal part is; sadly once you notice this the song is kind of ruined.