3x*****, 1x****
Stink is at its best when it's snotty, and "Kids Don't Follow"***** and "Fuck School"***** are both pure bratty teen rebellion, with catchy riffs and wisecracks delivered gleefully at warp speed. "God Damn Job"**** has the obvious blues structure going against it, but for a complaint the delivery is joyful. "White And Lazy" is more a Motley Crue-stlye of blues rock, and isn't really catchy at all, though the end achieves thrash. "Dope Smokin Moron"***** - all you need to know is "dope smokin moron, don't make me yawn". "Go" is the plodding dirge with wailing guitars that the'ments like to do sometimes, but the extreme reverb and noise don't age well. "Stuck In The Middle" and "Gimme Noise" are fast and tuneless, but at least under 2 minutes each.