"Shake Em On Down" and "Drop Down Momma" set the general tone of minimalistic but snappy blues, that at least is not the overdriven bar variety. The sound is restrained enough to be clear, and while the virtuosity is to the the level of Allman Brothers at least, the path of these tracks is both more traditional and more ambitious. The modal runs of "Po Black Maddie"**** and "Skinny Woman"**** are especially close to traditional blues while keeping a focused punch. "Goin Down South" is the closest to rocking almost with Zeppelinesque force all while remaining lithe. "K.C. Jones"**** though is by far the most fun, the backing vocals like a punchline as in "I Am A Man Of Constant Sorrow" from Oh Brother Where Art Thou, while "Station Blues" has a more folky delivery similar to Chris Whitley. But the side ends as it began with the hard blues on "All Night Long", the only song obviously influenced by the Allman Brothers, especially in the solos. The last 7 minutes consists of a playful "You Are My Sunshine" and some other noodling, but not completely self-indulgent.