"White Bird"**** is the obvious single, orchestral flower power pop, with soaring dual lead vocals. "A Hot Summer Day" doesn't stray far from this formula though without the melodic force. "Wasted Union Blues" though heads straight for the deep end with wildly distorted lead guitars and parts that start, stop, diverge, and only occasionally repeat. "Girl With No Eyes" and "Bombay Calling" have decidedly old world roots, the former a kind of madrigal, the latter maybe more east European than Indian (it sounds very similar to "Somewhere In Time" by Deep Purple), while "Bulgaria" is a meandering chant. After these excursions, "Time Is"**** wastes no time working up a rollicking head of steam emphasizing the ultimate power of time, which is "too long for those that grieve" but "too short for those that laugh". Though broken up by excessive soloing, the drive of the verses make up for this.