Call them 3 hit wonders: it's not like they have no talent - it's just that they're only good with dance music. "Time To Pretend"**** with it's ultra-synthesized keyboard does great 80's new wave with an actual emotional center, while "Electric Feel"**** does a pretty good Prince. But it's the big techno-bass single "Kids"***** that fully taps the duo's potential. The almost Pink Floyd "4th Dimensional Transition" is an interesting oddball that explores some cool melodies over almost bongo drums. But "The Youth" tries to be soulful or dramatic and ultimately goes nowhere. "Weekend Wars" has some definite Flaming Lip' touches but is too shrill and jerky. "Pieces Of What" is also a decent attempt at FL style acoustic, but the off-key cartooney vocals don't work with sincere instrumental accompaniment. The album just trails off from there. Burn 3 tracks.