1x***** 8x****
Opener "The Deeper In" is bland resembling a slow, acoustic version of "The Gambler", though it is apparently meant as an introduction for the propulsive and menacing tale of southern revenge, "Sink Hole"*****; the stinger "damned if I didn't go to church on Sunday an look the preacher in the eye" nails this one home. Bluesy John Mellencamp/Bruce Springsteen "Hell No I Ain't Happy"**** can't miss with its obviously catchy chorus. "Marry Me" is the first song by Mike Cooley, and is run of the mill Uncle Tupelo. "My Sweet Annette"**** on the other hand is another Springsteen-ian tale, but lyrical and beautifully played as opposed to the Boss' rapid-fire bombast. "Heathens"**** is also invitingly subtle. Mike Cooley's keeps the mood with "Sounds Better In The Song"****, electric with the room's live sound. From here on out most of the album is full-on, including the hard-rocking Tom Petty "Careless"****, and stonesy "Do It Yourself"****, though for each of these solid tracks is lumbering "Your Daddy Hates Me" and the Skynyrd-y title song. The memorable "Give Pretty Soon"**** occupies a kind of welcome middle ground that transitions out of the album's subdued middle section. Cooley's "When The Pin Hits The Shell" is less interesting once the band comes in, and his acoustic closer "Loaded Gun In The Closet"**** actually has much more intensity by creating and filling its sonic space, proving that against all of my prejudices, this album is at its best when stripped down.