Though not as theatrical and cloying as Born In The UK, the sophomore attempt is the slump. Although the title song**** is highly derivative of John Lennon with some heavy orchestration, John wishes his songs were this well-constructed. "Easy Love" doesn't blaze any trails, but makes for pretty 70's singer-songwriter fare, after which "Summertime In Wintertime" is a jarring copy of Jethro Tull, similar to "Cross-Eyed Mary". Other lite rock singer-songwriter fare is sprinkled throughout, including "This Is That New Song", which could be mistaken for Andrew Bird, "Fewer Words", and "Life Turned Upside Down", which has some not at all subtle editing effects, which are hopelessly cheesy in their literal relationship to the lyrics. Which brings me to the bombastic centerpiece, "Year Of The Rat" (which also gives the album its title), complete with gong (Year of the Rat - with a gong - get it?). There are also a few pleasant jazzy numbers, such as "Another Devil Dies" and "Stockport", which might as well be by Vince Guaraldi. Actually the songs that work best here are the kind of dramatic ballads, "Logic Of A Friend"**** and the jazzy, autumnal "Take The Glory"****. But near the end the album nearly goes completely off the rails with "Don't Ask Me I'm Only The President", an amateurish diatribe against America's favorite whipping boy, which in light of the rich subject matter isn't scathing at all. The jaunty "Holy Grail" is another annoying big production number. Strangely, "Plan B"****, which could be big hard rock in other hands, ends with a track that is strong, but uneasy and unresolved.