Not quite the force that At The Drive In's last album is, at least it's far better than In Casino/Out. At least Jim Ward can sing when he tries. "Cut Your Ribbon" highlights his scrappy, shitty, scream-vocals, but has a grating badass riff to match it, though the more tuneful chorus sounds awkward. "Mye" flows a bit better to "this time this time I'll get it right", though effect-heavy verses sound thrown together. "Cataract" is good but has similarly weak verses. "RX Coup"**** builds gradually through the verses to one of the more harmonically interesting choruses and holds up the best. "Sans Cosm" flows seamlessly between the soft/loud verse/chorus and keeps smack between the emo lines, which is where is the territory where most of the song lie, save the would-be big radio ballad "Collapse" and more subtle and moody "Echodyne Harmonic". No song is truly bad, but delay and other crazy effects do not hide the limited musical pallate.