This solidly disappointing album as "Mystery And Misery" starts predictably enough until Caithlin ridiculously attempts some deliberate sultriness. Now she's Pat Benatar? Despite the aggressively atonal verses, "Long Knives" goes for a dumb anthemic chorus, and "Ears Ring" eschews past albums' brilliant but accessible subtleties for bombast, which highlights the awkward lyricism. Many will relate to the stories of love gone bad, but the execution is clunky. By the time "The Double Life"**** comes, it sounds like a throwback to earlier albums, where the bass and guitar compliments each other perfectly, and the vocals are clear but not overpowering. "CT Catholic"**** isn't the greatest offering, but it starts with a pretty cool chorus; while the remaining songs aren't necessarily off-putting, they would be weak songs on any RM album.