If ever an album oozed Britpop, here it is. Modeled after Jesus and Mary Chain without the distortion, sparse though drenched in reverb and delay, opener "I Wanna Be Adored"**** builds subtly and manages to stay interesting enough to overcome the repetition (and the utterly unnecessary bridge). Don't really get the narcissism either. "She Bangs The Drums"**** is an exuberant pop tune, which hits a high point in the instrumental bridge. Can't think of who the hyperactive rhythm section of "Elephant Stone" sounds like, but I'm sure it was fun to dance to. "Waterfall" goes for a kind of light shuffle, while "Don't Stop" just sound like the same song with some of the tracks of "Waterfall" run backwards. "Elizabeth My Dear" is the least necessary track on here - why would we need a re-recording of "Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, & Thyme" with different words? Lame. Amid the 3-chord preening, a couple more stand out. "Shoot You Down" has kind of a 60's feel with some nice-sounding guitar. "I Am The Resurrection" is a power-pop kiss-off, while "Fools Gold" closes out with dance-funk that doesn't seem to go far.