This EP from 2000 is almost clairvoyant, in light of the economic downturns that followed. "Dow Jones Syndrome" is a simple 3-chord rocker, though the chorus is a bit messy. "Nobrainer" is mellow pop-psychedelia that glides by unobtrusively. "It Aint Free"**** is classic-stonesy that would be one of the better songs on any TSOOL album, with a hell of a nice solo, despite the awkward chorus "it aint free down the information highway but it's alright if you think you're not a part of this world" (a real mouthful). "James Last Experience"**** is a total Who (Tommy/Who's Next) rip-off, but its two-guitar attack goes toe-to-toe with anything Townshend did. The dance-y, instrumental "Play Station Bordello" is appropriately named, with some welcome guitar crunch and sitar.