From the onset "Domino Effect"**** mixes equal parts of the 'Green Album' and Pinkerton (Weezer), with the melody spewing out from 60's keyboards, with some unexpected turns in the chorus that keep things interesting. However, the formula dies on impact with "Apple Trees", which shows what happens when influences so close to the surface aren't followed by impressive hooks. "Shooting Stars" fortunately shows that there are still some tunes left, though it is starting to seem like the keyboard gets all the hooks. But if you love Weezer you'll love this soundalike record's reminiscences on childhood ("Baseball", "In Search Of 1988") and teenage love ("The Ups And Downs", "If I Only Had A Heart"). "Battlescars"****, the big power ballad probably based on "Only In Dreams", is subtlely expansive in sound, memorably melodic, with the anthemic chorus is screamed to the edge of musicality. The closing "Last Dance" is a bit of a spacey departure a la Hum, though at it's heart it really wanted to be... you know...