Though the beginning of "Blood And Thunder"**** starts with an almost AC/DC twang, when the opening riff is doubled its power induces the headbanging, which is driven home by the pummeling eastern-flavored chorus. "I Am Ahab" is definitely more thrash with a similarly modal chorus. While songs like "Ahab" and "Island" are primarily ferocious attacks of riffs they can be admired if not necessarily enjoyed. "Seabeast"**** starts on a different turn altogether with a mesmerizing interplay of guitars. This brilliantly melodic musicianship is comparable to the best moments of the big 80's thrash-metal bands, though the overall band sound is fuller ala Corrosion of Conformity. The vocals also have a similar stacked quality when they aren't simply a guttural bellow. "Iron Tusk"**** is simply a stoner riff amplified by the hotter guitar sound and furious metal drumming. The second half of the song devolves into what sounds like a pterodactyl fighting an elephant. "Megalodon" is basically split in two by a decidedly southern melodic run that is almost bluegrass, which is strange but it gets your attention. "Naked Burn"**** is melodic enough it should have been big on radio while being impressively intricate throughout. Though nearly the first three minutes is instrumental, every part of "Hearts Alive"**** has a hook which prevents this 13-minute opus from getting tedious. Closer "Joseph Merrick"**** is the kind of moody instrumental that would inhabit the b-side of 80's Metallica albums, though almost jazzy, with organ which resembles its use by Mudhoney, and guitar with a nice leslie effect. It ought to be diligently practiced by every aspiring guitar geek if they still have those.