With the introductory "All Around You", the beginning mimics the title songs of Sergeant Pepper and Magical Mystery tour, but establishes a tone between "Let It Bleed" and "Rainy Day Women #12 & 35". This sound is a complete departure from the drone-y wall of sound of Methodrone. "Cold To The Touch" roughly establishes the template for their new approach to mid-tempo psychedelic rock, acoustic guitar driven with a continuous melodic lead line, as does"Anenome" (sung by Mara Kegal?), and "Donovan Said". "In India You"**** is a propulsive raga jam, supported by a memorable melody, while "Feelers" imitates the sitar effect as the main hook. The bluesey psychedelia of "Jesus"**** has a relatively tight delivery, but others, such as "No Come Down" and "Miss June '75" drag and almost seem to derail. "Cause, I Lover" especially is far too long at 8 minutes, constantly starts and stops, and may not even be in tune. Between these and some poorly executed instrumentals, there is not much focus here except chillin out and lightin up. "Baby, Love of My Life" may be the liveliest song here, like an acoustic beat-skiffle-thing. "The "All Around You"**** instrumental outro drops the theatrical silliness of the introduction and goes for a basic restating of the original hook.