King Khan - The Supreme Genius of King Khan and The Shrines

The Supreme Genius is a consistent garage dance party throughout, Kicking off with "Torture"**** in all its bone-dry-production glory, and amusing "Took My Lady To Dinner"****, with brilliant interplay of fuzzed-out riffs and the horns. "Land Of The Freak"**** kicks the dance party into high-gear (ala Land of 1000 Dances), and the horn refrains will stick with you. Even the bluesy ballad "Fool Like Me"**** is a surprisingly memorable highlight, honest and humorous simultaneously. "Shivers Down My Spine"**** resembles a tribute to Screamin Jay Hawkins, except not played for laughs. "Destroyer"**** is simply funky, with some of the most original horn arrangements."Live Fast Die Strong"**** has more smart guitar and horn interplay, but used to great dramatic effect in the choruses. The few songs that seem like filler here would be highlights on a typical album of this type, all played and sung like the next single. Closing "No Regrets"**** is the closest to straight rock, Stooges-punk, but in its directness the simplicity is not a detriment.
