Monster Magnet - Spine Of God

The debut kicks off the stoner rock with "Pill Shovel", a good representation of the sound, but less forceful than the driving "Medicine"**** (which would be re-recorded on the otherwise-boring God Says No), with all its gleeful tongue-in-cheek misogyny (your violation will be televised). "Nod Scene" and "Black Mastermind" are two more cookie-cutter sludgefests, and "Zodiac Lung" ends the side with a simple jam on one riff that goes a bit long. "Spine Of God"**** also starts with a simple droning riff, but oozes slowly out of shadow before the full force is unleashed, and the subsequent drones are paired with some menacing asides from Dave Wyndorf. "Snake Dance"**** shows Dave playing with God and Satan as his characters and playing with the idea of his deity character. Finally the closer "Ozium"**** pairs melody and psychedelia with his megalithic mythology, which foreshadows the future alternative hit "Negasonic Teenage Warhead".
