"Gathering Storm" - First theme enters and slowly builds to a with overlapping parts playings a constantly ascending melody line, which leads to a festival of delay and a more powerful angular line. The second theme trails off to more of a sound collage for the last 5-8 minutes.
"Terrible Canyons of Static" - Begins with the sound and music collage which turns from major to minor, when the expectant melody suddenly becomes a cinematic maelstrom, that is transformed again when the drums enter, until the thrash ending with the same riff.
"Murray Ostril" - Is dominated with a constantly oscillating line that resembles singing saw and siren in the final drive. The second theme enters at about 16 minutes, another ascending line with horns, and appears in two phases.
"She Dreamt She Was A Bulldozer, She Dreamt She Was Alone In An Empty Field" - Is the least accessible of the bunch, with one theme at about 5:30 to 6:30, especially at the top of the progression, and the second slide-heavy theme at about 10:30.
"Terrible Canyons of Static" - Begins with the sound and music collage which turns from major to minor, when the expectant melody suddenly becomes a cinematic maelstrom, that is transformed again when the drums enter, until the thrash ending with the same riff.
"Murray Ostril" - Is dominated with a constantly oscillating line that resembles singing saw and siren in the final drive. The second theme enters at about 16 minutes, another ascending line with horns, and appears in two phases.
"She Dreamt She Was A Bulldozer, She Dreamt She Was Alone In An Empty Field" - Is the least accessible of the bunch, with one theme at about 5:30 to 6:30, especially at the top of the progression, and the second slide-heavy theme at about 10:30.