"Out At The Pictures" starts promising with a pretty loud synth driven intro, but changes into an over-busy disco-speed synth-rock. "Shake A Fist"**** is more straight dance and has the genius use of the obscure reference to Todd Rundgeren's "sounds of the studio". "Ready For The Floor" is lighter dance pop, almost like Erasure. "Touch Too Much" is one of the more successful songs with a decent tune and a full synth sound. "One Pure Thought" starts off very promising with a Stones-y riff, but the song quickly get lost in tuneless noises for the verses. There are a few slow songs here like the title song and "Whistle For Will" that are uneventful, while the rest are light synth-pop, of which "Wrestlers" is an irritating example.
"Out At The Pictures" starts promising with a pretty loud synth driven intro, but changes into an over-busy disco-speed synth-rock. "Shake A Fist"**** is more straight dance and has the genius use of the obscure reference to Todd Rundgeren's "sounds of the studio". "Ready For The Floor" is lighter dance pop, almost like Erasure. "Touch Too Much" is one of the more successful songs with a decent tune and a full synth sound. "One Pure Thought" starts off very promising with a Stones-y riff, but the song quickly get lost in tuneless noises for the verses. There are a few slow songs here like the title song and "Whistle For Will" that are uneventful, while the rest are light synth-pop, of which "Wrestlers" is an irritating example.