Ad Astra Per Aspera - Catapult Calypso

It can be a benefit or a detriment to have so many sounds fighting for influence of any given song. In the opening title song alone there are several tempo changes, at least a couple different keyboards, and intricate guitar harmonics. "Post Scarcity Sing-A-Long" is a bit more straightforward, with the chorus up front, though there is still a tempo change near the end. "Scatter Baby spiders" jumps out of the gate with an almost metal guitar riff that quickly gives way to frantic riffs with some inexplicably tinkly piano. "Nothing Else Is The Real Thing" could be easily covered by a kletzmer band, while "Unnamed Acoustic Song" also has an eastern feel, but Middle Eastern in a cartooney way. "Globos Illuminados" is in 3, which gives it a circus feel. "Everybody Let's Me Down" is yet another direction with a country feel, and a banjo just so you don't mistake this for anything else. Every song is overflowing with riffs, instruments, and ideas, but they often obscure the best part of the song. Most would be more cohesive if about 30% of the instrumentation, 50% of the parts, and 70% of the tempo changes were removed. I could just be some kid that cries about getting too much at christmas, but sometimes less is more.
