Eddie Vedder - Into the Wild

1x***** 2x****
"Setting Forth" is more of just a lackluster P J song than anything else. It has all the elements except another derivative Mike McCready solo. "No Ceiling" starts to sound more rustic like you would expect this album to sound. "Far Behind" is a true solo work of someone who is used to collaborating, who suddenly doesn't have his others to tell him the material isn't that strong. "Rise" finally loses the pesky electric instruments, cuz those generators would have run out by now in The Wild. It sounds about like you'd expect E.V. set loose in the sticks with a mandolin. "Long Nights" is a more brooding piece that takes some interesting turns. "Tuolumne" is a pretty enough little finger-picked acoustic piece. But it's the big single "Hard Sun"***** that finally shows some life; an obvious big rock anthem that I'm predictably a sucker for. How does one describe it except as a campfire singalong that morphs into full-on grunge-fest from the Neil Young playbook; or is that Peter Buck. "Society"**** is also fairly obvious, guy alone in his room doin some deep thinkin song. "The Wolf" is a generic atmospheric/sountrack piece with E.V. yodeling (or whatever you call yee-eee-ing) and playing organ. The progressions on "End of the Road"**** are more low-key and indie than what you'd expect from E.V. "Guaranteed" is short and tuneful, but sounds more like an interlude than a closer. Generally, Into the Wild is about what you'd expect.
