Rush - Snakes and Arrows

Rush had a good run, but this album does not up the ante from the last 3 or 10 albums, which is not a good thing. "Far Cry"**** has a great chorus, but no subsequent songs reach this standard for the rest of the record. "Armor and Sword" is done in with dopey lyrics, ditto for "Faithless", another BIG STATEMENT from Neil. "Workin Them Angels" has many unexpected changes to spare, but doesn't really go anywhere, and "A Larger Bowl" is particularly uninspired. "Spindrift" almost rocks due to a the strange verse riff. "The Main Monkey Business" is a pretty lame instrumental. "Malignant Narcissism" is considerably better, but I liked it better as "Leave That Thing Alone". "Hope" is very nice sounding, but not really remarkable. I don't see hearing any more "....Strangiatto"s or "YYZ"s out of them anytime soon. But back to songs with words, "...Wind Blows", "Bravest Face", and "Good News First" again are listenable, don't go anywhere. Ender "We Hold On" again has a cool snaky riff, but I'm okay with not hearing it again for awhile.
